So, yesterday evening, I wanted to listen to a good song before going to sleep, so I looked for Saito Kazuyoshi's Utautai no ballad on youtube and I found that there are a lot of covers of this song. I made some great discoveries... ok, all these covers are just so great but that's probably because the song itself is one of the most beautiful love songs I've ever heard. I really have to thank Ryo for making me discover it ^_____^
First, by the duet Alüto (apparently they are known by anime fans for the Naruto Shipuuden ending) :
Looooovely cover, really *_________*
Then in the links of that first video, I saw that Mr Children (Bank Band) also made a cover for the song :
This one sounds really different with the easily recognizable voice he has but it is sooooo great *______*
And then, I saw another link, a special collaboration between Saito Kazuyoshi himself and a 16 year old teenager named Hayashi Naojirou :
I found this two-guitar version just as wonderful as the other versions and that guy has a really sweet voice *_______*
After that, I wanted to know a little bit more about that young guy from the last video, so I searched on the internet and found out that he was part of the duet >Hirakawachi 1chome , formed by Hayashi Naojirou (born 1990) and his older brother Ryuunosuke (born 1988). They made their debut in 2003 (as young as JE does O_____O). In the duet, they composed their own songs (mainly Ryuunosuke), both played guitar and various instruments (harmonica, drums, bass...), Naojirou being the main singer, his brother doing chorus parts. They released 12 singles and 6 albums before breaking up last year. When I wandered on youtube to find some of their songs, I really liked that one, their debut song :
Toukyou (1st single, 2003)
Tokyo (last single, 2008)
That's a totally different song with his adult voice ^^
I also That One liked, Sakura no kakusu Wakare michi (2nd single, sung here in 2004 to 2007)
Well After That I Went to bed ^ ^ I really wanted to Introduce 'em, I'm gonna stop here and look for Their singles and albums to download now Because I want to write one entry Them A Whole ...
just a reminder for my article to come ...