Sunday, June 13, 2010

95 Arctic Cat Pantera Fuel Injected...


2nd part and end ...

recomen yes / no Daijiten
- the second ... lol ; my daughter can say the first 100 digits of π in 14 seconds XD
- yoko and does not understand how an elementary student can study 4-5 hours after courses ~
- Theme: the guys who say that their favorite meal is pasta amatriciana
- hina is kind, lol why not: D!?
- but he adds that he did not say it was his favorite dish, he just liked it a lot 8D
- results: o / o / n / o
y: meh, I've never eaten pasta amatricianan anyway ~
pm: So I repeat, WILL Y! it's good! But do not add Tabasco, ok?
- yoko has since mentioned that if you add Tabasco sauce over pasta with tomato, they end up not having the same taste
XD - lol, curiosity, and google image pasta
\u0026lt;- amatriciana

italy quiz quizzes ~ italy
- actuellemnt, yoko (2) vs. hina (0)

- issue in Italy, it is said that if one door _____ couleur____ of the new year, the next year will be a good year
- yokohina do not have a clue ~
y: A watch?
k No, and raise your hand when you want to reply please
y: ... why do I 'm reprimand?
k you wear every day
pm: Me!
k Yes?
pm: underwear?
k And what color?
y: Me!
k No no, this is not your turn!
y: But you said raise your hand!
k It's always your turn!
Hours: White?
y: Me!
k yes Yokoyama-kun
y: red?
k Correct!
pm: How do you know that!?
y: well is Italy, so ...
k The color of tomatoes !
- Red is the color of luck and it should be a underwear that was brought to you ~

- question, there is a tradition of new year in Italy as we do not in Japan, it is she?
- hina, "a toast"?

- index, the second-story window ~
- hina, fireworks?
- index, you drop things
- yoko, a vase? ← correct
lol - in fact most of the dishes and other that will break this
- and Hina is surprised How'd you know that? "

- matter, a Japanese diction is "the darker is always just below the lighthouse," she Italian version?
- it has do with food ~
- tomatoes? Cheese? Pizza? Noooonnn
XD - "____ in the eyes"
- yoko, Tabasco?
- a kind of meat!
- "salami on the eyes" ← and yoko is right XD

- question, where does the name pasta amatriciana?
- index, gender
Neapolitan - but do not pick yokohina
XD - a place called amatriciana, that's why ~
- and will also visit hina amatriciana now he wants to go this year! XD

- lol, now it's Yoko (5) vs. hina (0)

- email nikater hide once said that if he was saying, his favorites are pasta XD amatriciana
- email, like you really amatriciana? You keep saying that it is very spicy like chili, but it does not contain chili, it's black pepper. Also, it's bacon that CAA in, maybe it's more of arabiata?
- lol hina insists there's bacon, and admits that maybe black pepper, not hot peppers XD
pm: No, there's this restaurant where pasta amatriciana are really good, let's go!
y: No, n'y allons pas. Je n'irais pas. Définitivement je n'irais pas.
h: Pourquoi ? Allons y ! c'est un petit resto !
y: non, je ne veux pas aller manger italien
h: les choses sont, tu es contre une baie glass and people can see what you eat
y: well so I do not care a bit, but
pm: Not going there just once? Testing just once!
y: You say just try it but did not subaru love, hun?
pm: No, but it is not the same place! It is a beautiful place!
y: A beautiful place, Italian, and was said by Subaru?
pm: "I would NEVER again! "
y: * laughs * I do not want to have to say that!
pm: It's not like that at all! It's really easy! Definitely! We should go!
y: Well well well, maybe if we have the opportunity
pm: You never come when you say that!
y: * laughs * well well well well, if we have opportunity, I would go, but.
- lol tatsu apparently also love pasta amatriciana, it is recommended that hina early XD

midnight 0:59:33
- um, apparently it'll be a lot of good news over the Registration for next week ^ ^
- and okay on TV Guide show both here for their "holding torque" XD
pm: Huh, well I guess when you spend as much time with someone, you taste is becoming the same too?
y: no no I do not think that? * Laughs *
pm: Oh really? Let me tell you something so when you wash, do not put in the dryer.
y: Why?
pm: That narrows
y: Most garments shrink?
pm: Although the t-shirt and others in the same kind that's fine, but.
y: Particularly?
pm: especially these kinds of fabric, be sure to dry in the sun * nod way * deep thinking
y: nod as seriously, what am I supposed to do?! * Laughs *

- email from a listener French living in Japan who lived near Italy before ... etttt she ate pasta tonight
y: So um, she would tell us that she ate pasta tonight ? Is that all?
- email, was to show to ehime yoko, yoko that thought? He ate the taimeshi so they spoke?
- taimeshi = morcaux rice cooked with sea bream, sea bream tai =, = meshi
rice - yes, they ate ~, after being told that it is famous to ehime;)
- the version of ehime is believed sashimi over rice and there is a special sauce that goes with
- things are, do not like yoko seabream as ç a, and when he said, viewers were eeeeeeh D:
- then so it has bitten a piece at a Kuhi, and found that ... he still did not like it XD

recomen otokojuku
- Takahiro (17)
- his particular point in the future it will become even better than tsukkomi hina XD
- it is in a group, he sings and he is the bassist, and he wants to become an agent in the future which makes ← yoko confused XD
y: So in the end, what do you want to be!?
- he wants to be an agent who is good at making stukkomi and playing the bass!
- lol hina and yoko is amused and decides not to go because he does not know what he wants XD
y: So then, what do you want to become the most?
- a tsukkomi! Lol XD
- yoko and tells him he is not at all a tsukkomi (but rather kind of boke Xd)
- and so it gives him a final chance
y: I'll make a boke, so you've got to " tsukkomier, ok? Ok ...? nah too bad.
- Takahiro and was well on the supposed "tsukkomier" for that, but no, he did not realize it was the boke of yoko
XD - & hellip , and Yoko gave him yet another chance by being a boke this time, but nooonnn, Takahiro is just ... too stunned XD

quiz italy
- question ... quiz tasting / guessing pasta!
- they are several kinds of pasta prepared in the studio, and they must find out which name goes with which pasta dish ~
- both alone that yoko had already tested are: pepperoncino and arabiata ~
- and has some difficulty yoko say "pesto trapanese"
y: pesutopapaparaneze?
- * images from google *
\u0026lt;- trapanese
pesto - there are also Genovese and vongole
- lol they make them close their eyes and eat ← hina complains that he has ja enough to eat, yoko told them that it makes no difference for he does not know at all XD
y: no but I'm afraid to close my eyes D:
- um, whatever, they do, and k-taro is the feed for that yoko XD
complains - then k-fed taro hina XD
y: Oh I already eat before!
- apparently k-taro is their enormous plugged into their mouths XD
y: vongole
pm: pescatore \u0026lt;- correct
\u0026lt;- pescatore
y: but I have not ever had before!
pm: laughs * this is not the point for now!
- lol Next! Yoko has already seen everything anyway, so he keeps his eyes open, he can not tell anyway
y: Wait a moment, I opened my eyes, I do not need you to feed me!
- yoko and is bored by the head does that feeds karo XD
y: pepperoncino?
pm: arabiata? \u0026lt;- XD correct
\u0026lt;- arabiata
y: Ah, so what I ate the other day was not arabiata!
pm: * explodes with laughter *
- next ~ and last, chance is special! No matter who wins is all lol ~
- and yoko is allowed to keep his eyes open because he will not find anyway XD
y: I know this one! I know! I know this one!
pm: amatriciana?
y: amatriciana!
- yep xdb
- yoko lol never had before, but they said before that there were onions and bacon in it, so ... XD
- um, and final, wins hina XD

♪ wonderful world

end 1:29:29
- doonnc, in time is yoko (5) vs. hina (6), and ~ hina
wins - the gift of the winner is ... a guide to Italy that you may like that you feel as if you were there gone!
- yoko lol and eating pasta all the time, he was impressed by all the different types and how they are all good XD
pm: I'm taking you finally eat the next time amatriciana
y: This one is also good ~?
pm: Yeah yeah, good, but one that QI am taking are so good, good anyway, next week is a record !
- end XD

Cystic Fibrosis Seizures

Recomen Recomen 27/05/2010 27/05/2010 20/05/2010

Good day!

Here with p'tite week behind what I wanted, but what do you, it's not like evaluations could choose ... Finally, they are made, there is more than a hope that I do not type it up, I would have bad for once, it's the latest ...

'end, here's the Recomen May 27, 2010, that say I can not see a picture of the pasta though they look great. ..?

Pareil, si cela vous intéresse que je continue faite moi signe, moi pas de soucis, j'aime traduire ! ^_^


A la prochaine !






fichier audio par ayanami05 and credit to the English summary: enshinge!


y: konbanonetwo yuu ~ ~ it Yokoyama
pm: murakami shingo is konbanonetwo ~ ~
y: err, um, can I?
pm: Yes? Getting there ?
y: I can? Really?
pm: Yes go ahead, what is it?
y: ... you already know, is not it? * Laughs *
pm: * laughs *
y: You ... can you just stop? * Laughs *
pm: * laughs * what is it?
y: I'm not the scope of "what's that? "
pm: yes yes
y: you ever gonna stop this?
pm: about it?
y: I'll annoy me against you, really * laughs *
pm: * laughs * I'm not doing anything wrong
y: ... why you and me do we wear "held torque "at the moment?
pm: * laughs * aah, you've seen?
y: "view", that's not it-
pm: you finally realized, um
y: No, I would say since we're in the van, when you are 're home, why do you wear the same thing as me?
pm: No, well, I bought it myself?
y: no no no, that's fine, but why now for Recomen we've worked together all day today, but why is that I wear the same clothes all the time? * Laughs *
pm: * laughs *
y: Do you know how it is "shocking" if looking for a point of view objective?
pm: Eh? Nah people just think we're really good friends!
y: two bitch, almost 30 years, wearing a "holding torque" already ... like this ... is not good! * Laughs *
pm: * laughs *
y: this-these clothes, you already know is not it? I have worn many times!
pm: I did not know?
y: You've already seen before, is not it?
pm: Oh really?
y: I've worn for this program many times too, right?
pm: I had never seen yet
y: not I have set before you
pm: mm, I guess
y: I've brought a ton of times, you did not see before? You do not really remember? I have worn before! I bet I'm on pages (magazines) of Recomen with, I carry a lot!
pm: Really?
y: I wore it many times when I was with you!
pm: um, well I should not have been so ...
y: CA Why buy?
pm: Well, I thought it was good * laughs *
y: * laughs *
pm: it is, I thought
y: I been too surprised, it was a shock today!
pm: I was surprised too! Aah, they did not have this color (the one that Yoko door), if they had I would have bought that color!
y: laughs * that's enough, stop please! And what's more, I wear this jacket light blue, but for clothing, I try to add an item color you know? And so I would take the red, so I chose red shoes, and then this boy here, his red shirt, same lines? The colors we choose are the same boring * laughs * hun?
pm: * laughs *
y: East Can you spare me, really? Completely
pm: Well really it was I had not even planned to wear that today ' Today!
y: so I SAID! And the boy said he was returning home one point to take a shower or whatever, so I was kind if you plaaaait, come back wearing something else, it can not ê ; be like that is too embarrassing! You know? Did you realize that we wear the same thing? They are different colors so at first I did not realize.
pm: I did not realize at all!
y: I was thinking, urg, murakami still walking legs spread and I just looked and it was then, heeeyy this garment? I've seen him before by ... and then the arm, there's this cute ...
pm: skeleton (skull?)
y: A cute little skeleton, and therefore I was, hun, a skeleton, mine also has one? Hey wait a moment, the same? It's the same? So I called the staff dealing with costumes and I was "before I bought it, hun?" And they were " tively, sea **, stop that already? Really? Stop?
pm: * Continues laughing *
y: What an idiot ... it's too embarrassing!
pm: not, well, I did not wear it much, but when I spend the night somewhere like when I'm on a filming location because it is really comfortable-
y: is true, it's comfortable!
pm: is why I bought it! When I do kind of futsal (indoor soccer), he's just found it in my living room today so ...
y: is too embarrassing ... but what do we do? * Laugh *
pm: I thought it was good, and I thought about changing, but
y: you could have at least changed ...
pm: No but I thought I could not!
y: -Just what is a mess!?
pm: well yes, it was surprising
y: was amazing, duh!
pm: Yeah I was surprised!
y: well well well well, we'll do the show live while we carry this "holding torque ; '
pm: really, who would have thought ~
y: well well, we will work hard
pm: yes, we will work hard
y: Well then we'll announce the titles?
pm: yeah
y: very well, so it's Kanjani8 Yokoyama Yuu and
pm: murakami shingo

ranking recomen girls
theme: things you do during breaks
# 5 playing cards
study # 4
# 3 ← hina sleep sleeping during class
# 2 play with his laptop
# 1 gossip girl

Theme Evening: what murakami shingo really know about Italy?
- lol K-Taro is the presenter
pm: Is what I can say something before?
k Yes?
pm: I do not know anything about Italy, you know?
k But you love so much pasta and football!
- lol yoko said last week that he "ate pasta" Recomen has therefore decided to do that then XD
- winner's prize, " and a trip to Italy _____ "XD
- hina is kind, meh, it's not like we can go to Italy anyway, "a trip to Italy not happen"
- yoko then said "a journey Italy in the form of Fracasso "← the k-taro and questions hina

y: Ehhh not possible? Fracasso you do not know?
- I looked at their site, they apparently are everywhere, but I've never seen either 8D

- question: what does "taberuna" mean in Italian? (Which means "do not eat" in Japanese)
- yokohina not have any idea ... ~ taverna? I guess? Yoko supposed, lol, it's like a cafeteria? A tavern, rather, probably.

- question: there is a law? A rule .. Diano Marina (?), an Italian town, they say that if you have a good presentation, you may not to porter_____
- etttt yoko is, again, apparently a bikini ~
- your three sizes must be at least ~ 90/60/90 because they want to "that place looks good "

johnny's station
- Matchy and 100,816 in tegomasu To Be With fireworks festival con
- WAS kame in chiba lotte marines vs Tokyo Yakult swallows (baseball) opening ceremony
- tsubasa Will guest in lion's Night (bunka housou radio show) is 100,601, i think it's a baseball commentary show, or Something?

- ... hina would be invited to football matches as
~ - new special! Very special, first time he says something like that, a historical event ... Recomen the next week will be a record XD (← the staff adds an echo effect XD)
- we understand why during the broadcast of the recording ~
- in fact they are just recorded before, it makes the hours they speak already talking about "torque required to" XD
- thus recording the next week will be yokohina with the same clothes again XD

- message-Namiki san, why do you like Italy so much? Because of football?
- and, incidentally, hina've never been to Italy ~ he does not like Italy itself, he just loves football and he wants to go see a game one day, but in fact the staff has interpreted it as "love hina Italy "XD
- countries that hina wants to visit are Italy, Spain and England, because of football ~
- yoko would like to see a game of NBA (basketball) for real he recently watched a DVD with Michael Jordan apparently;)

- email Lavra, a fangirl Italian in Italy at the moment but here XD
- she thanked the staff for choosing Italy as a subject and says it has made happy when yokohian talks about his country ^ ^
- email Mino, an auditor of Kyoto, which the email said "if it is a record, tell us by already reason "
- another email that said she is glad they say it will be a record ~
- yokohina are lol but it's not our choice when we trying to be vague, "the chief told us to do that!"
- email Fracasso are also in Tokyo! I guess murakami-kun is too rich to go in "family restaurants" now, but I'm glad Yokoyama-kun is at our level;)
- lol XD
pm: Fracasso Oh I know! It is this place with the English name is written horizontally!
- hina lol, most of the words "European" written horizontally ~
- yoko is not much to eat out these days, what that 'he ate last night then? Chocolate he received at his birthday dinner as D:
pm: but just call me!
y: Huh as if I were, I mean it would be terrible if I called and that ultimately it was still the ME and my clothes? It gives me chills!
- yokooooo, eats corectementttt ~
- not like hina, yoko is not going to eat with the staff or managers ~

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