DGEE @ 2006-04-06T12: 25:00
Have you ever watched the film biography of Frida Kahlo? I will admit that not. But in my English course, yesterday we had to work on the Mexican Hon. I fell literally in awe of this lady ...
Born in Mexico, Frida Kahlo is reached polio at the age of 6 years. Disease that causes the spine increasingly weak over the years. At age 16, she has a big truck accident with some of his friends. It is pierced by board edges by a huge piece of metal, it has crushed the column, she has 11 fractures to his leg, fractured pelvis ... etc.. In short it is half dead but still alive by cons! After this event, it should be in bed for over 9 months without getting up, without moving, stuck in a big brace. It is in this moment the hardest and plsu morally demanding of her life, she begins to paint. It invents a sort of bridge so that it can stand above it in without touching the bed ... And she painted and painted until his recovery. But even after her recovery she can not help painting. It is, most of the time, self-portraits. She also creates paintings on his ideals of life, as saying it is not the luckiest girl in the world. Most of his paintings are really gruesome, very dark, but so awesome! Because of her accident, she is unable to bear children and it becomes an obsession. The picture below shows. The fetus represents a huge lost child and then all around them, their knowledge never had the chance to know. I love this painting is really confusing! I can not believe that the world can be found on this painting, scholars, dictators, gods, common people are all mixed ... What did Frida Kahlo express in this painting, only she knows ... The other picture is just gross. But she expresses the pain of the painter for his inability to have children ...
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