Whaaaaaaaaaa shocked o_________O They will revive MINIMON !!!!!!!!!!! Ué'm too happy, but the singers will be completely different é_____è
I dunno if it will really be like = (
I loved Mika Todd and other MINIMON TTT-TTT
The new leader of the group member is Linlin
She is Chinese and has 18 years
Sings like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZhAbNVabb4
Good Aya Matsuura sings bcp best song but it good XD XD XD
J'dit p pcque be that I am a fanboy XD XD XD
The second confirmed member e is Fukuda Kanon
It's only 14 years o__________O
Prime shock TT-TT I was expecting a girl of 16/17 years é_____è
It was really childish side of the first o_______O
I'm afraid TTT-TTT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOy20Fho7p4
Naaaaaaaaaaan not die truissez not the myth that are MINIMON é______________è
The other two members are still unknown at this time TT-TT
J 'I look forward to hearing how it goes ^ ^
Why not have revived the original group? o______O
When changing tt members is not the same group ... Both the call otherwise ^ ^ "
MINIMON ~ Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu Daisuki